Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What's Next? Two-Hand Touch?

According to ESPN, the NFL will now be suspending players for "devastating hits" and "head shots". This new rule comes in response to some truly terrible hits over the weekend. It is awful to see people get nailed in the head during a game. It is terrible when players miss games due to concussion, and may end up sustaining brain damage, and it is the absolute worst when a player is paralyzed from a hit in a football game. However, to begin suspending people for tackling someone too hard is dangerous for the NFL. This will result in players slowing up, which is potentially more dangerous than hitting hard in the first place. It will also greatly reduce the quality of play. Getting hit is part of the game of football and if players are not allowed to hit, it gives even more advantage to the already favored offenses in the NFL. Receivers will be free to run over the middle, running backs will no longer fear the hard-hitting linebackers. Most players in the NFL are not intentionally trying to hurt themselves and others. The sad fact is that when you play a game where you run full force into other human beings, sometimes people are going to get hurt. To suspend players for hits that are most likely accidental is turning the NFL into something it should not be. What's Next? Two-Hand Touch?

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